Thursday, July 1, 2010

You're OUT! Right?

My 8 year old, Aidan has ADHD and we have just decided to put him back on medication for it.  We had tried it when he was six, and didn't like it.  He lost a lot of weight, seemed kind of stoned all the time and built up a tolerance for it pretty quickly.  So we went au naturel, and were trying to set routines, cut processed foods and other chemicals, all that crunchy granola stuff.
For the past 3 summers, Aidan has "played" baseball.  OK, he put on a baseball uniform and sat and played in the dirt and waited almost patiently for his turn to hit.  But since we started this new medication, he has been actually PLAYING baseball.  He's gotten some good hits, and scored a couple of times.  He's still not too great at fielding though, mostly because his coach keeps letting play in close proximity to his best pal on the team.  To best explain this as a problem, you should understand that the boys great each other with the word "SHENANIGANS!" every time they see each other.
Tuesday was their last game, and finally Coach Bill got the idea to separate the Shenanigans and put Aidan on second base.  His other half was catcher.  There is a runner on first, 2 outs.  The next batter hits directly to my boy, who catches the ball, steps on the base and then tags the runner.  It's hard to tell who was most surprised when the ump called the out; Coach Bill, me or Aidan himself.  This has never happened before with Aidan.
Of course, he is now insufferable.  He wants more baseball and tells anyone who will listen for 2 minutes about his heroic play on second.  He has berated me for this being the ONE game I did not have a camera in my purse.  Daddy has heard about it too, as he missed the play by 15 minutes.  Looks like we are playing again next season after all.  And, it turns out, the other Shenanigan is moving to Arizona.  That should be enough distance...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Aidan! I bet he was the cutest second-baseman around, too...
