Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Well ya gotta have fri-EEEEEEENNNNNNDDDDDSSSSSS!!!!!

For those listening in my head, this sounds exactly like Bette Midler singing...

For reasons I still cannot legally disclose on the internet (don't I sound so interesting) I got some craptastic news yesterday.  And like most craptastic news, it involves money.  Most notably the lack of it.  And I was livid.
I immediately went to my online girlfriends and launched into a profane diatribe that used a word that starts with F and rhymes with duck.  A. Lot.
Do my girls shirk from this abuse?  Even the super sweet ones that I would desperately try not to cuss in front of?  Nope.  They join in with a string of curses that would make a gypsy grandmother proud!  Wishes for financial failure was for amateurs.  One wanted the evil doers shoved down a flight of stairs (remind me to stay on the good side of a certain librarian from Ohio).  My favorite though was a wish for an airplane to empty their chemical toilet over my persecutors house.  That ante was upped with a wish that the crumb bums be standing outside their house, looking up with their mouths open during said chemical toilet flushing. 
This is why I love my girls.  The indulge my righteous indignation and join in.  There was no calm, cool headed discussions of how to win legitimately.  I know how to do that.  My pals knew I needed to be pissed off, and were right there with me.  They knew I needed an outlet, not advice.  Plotting revenge has never been so damn sweet...
 And for those not so blessed with evilly minded friends...


  1. Love this post, especially the first three sentences. Brilliant! I'm proud to be in your pack and I'll pants anyone in public for you - just say the word.

  2. C-town is a central location, we could all be there fairly quickly. :) Be damned the man who gets 35 pissed off hormonal women on his front step.

  3. The Laughing LibrarianJuly 20, 2010 at 8:34 PM

    HAHAHAHA!! If I had the cash, I'd put an extra large ad in the biggest newspaper in Ch, uh, YOUR TOWN telling all who read it about the "scandal" involving those who wronged you, chocolate sauce, a bungee cord and a large goat. That'll learn 'em! xoxoxo

  4. I know a few pilots in your area...
