Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sneaking Out on a Date With Myself

Ok, I know I just complained a couple of weeks ago that I had no one to go get coffee with.  But truth be told, I am a person who needs their solitude.  Hey, Superman got a whole FORTRESS of Solitude.  I personally would decorate it a little better, warm it up with some throw pillows or something, but on the whole, I could use one.
This evening though, we found ourselves pretty much out of toilet paper.  How we ran out of toilet paper, I don't know since I do buy it in large quantities, but it provided me with a lovely opportunity.
I "volunteered" to walk to the local CVS to buy a roll to get us through until we do the big trip to Target this weekend.  See how selfless I am?  I came home from work and walked in the Chicago July heat for TP. 
Yeah, I totally snuck into Barnes and Nobles while I was blissfully alone with my thoughts. I literally only had the money with me for the necessity of my errand, so I was truly browsing.  Good thing I was broke, too, or I would have been the proud owner of the James Taylor/Carol King CD they were playing . 
I would like to argue that I wasn't really all that alone.  I have met some of my best friends in bookstores.  Holden Caulfield, Scarlett O'Hara, Jo March and you too Sookie Stackhouse.  That's part of the beauty of being alone, no one judges your reading material. 
I even browsed the Children's section and looked at the new editions of the Ramona books and Fancy Nancy.  My own daughter has no interest in the books I loved, declaring Ramona "too long" and Little House on the Prairie "boring".  I am actively hiding Little Women and Anne of Green Gables from her.  She will positively kill me if she doesn't love those.
I probably stayed out a little too long.  But I came back reacquainted with myself.  And with a shopping list for my next book run..

And, just a little business.  You guessed it.  I monetized my blog.  But I promise not to put anything on here  I wouldn't buy for myself or someone I love.  I'm a big old sellout.


  1. Oh, Little Women is easily one of my favorites... But you probably knew that about me, since we're sharing the same brain and all :)

  2. If I could talk a certain husband into having 2 more girl children they would be named Catherine Scarlett and Josephine March. Hands down. My two absolute favorite literary heroines. Mike's not a fan...
