Sunday, November 28, 2010

Giving Thanks

Yeah, I know I am a couple days late, but I spent the bulk of my weekend puking and sleeping, so give a girl a break.
I am thankful for so very much this year.  I am grateful for a return to good health after my adventure in the ICU in March.  I am beyond thankful to be off the blood thinners that did an excellent job of dissolving the blood clots in my lungs, but made things like brushing my teeth and shaving my legs look like a horror film. 
I'm thankful for healthy happy kids.  I am thankful for my Jake, who is turning into such a young man but still was over the moon excited to go see Toy Story 3 with us.  I am thankful for my Abby, who makes me laugh every day, even though she is personally responsible for most of the gray hairs I am covering up.  I am thankful for my Aidan who still cuddles with me.  I am thankful for my Harry, who greets me every afternoon by telling me how much he "misseded" me.
I am thankful for my husband, who braved Black Friday crowds to get me popsicles and ginger ale to cure my upset stomach.
I am thankful for my big, nosy, Sout-side extended family for raising me in more than a little chaos and doing the same for my kids.
I am thankful for dear friends, both near and far, whether we met in High School, work or on the internet. 
I hope you are as blessed this holiday season.

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