Sunday, August 16, 2009

Are we done yet?

My husband and I have four kids.  Three boys, one girl, ages 13, 11, 7 and 3.  I realize this is a larger family than the norm in this day and age.  What I don't quite understand is why the size of my family is so incredibly interesting to other people.  So, to answer all the questions...
1) Are we done yet?  The truthful answer is I don't know.  We might be, we might not be.  It is a purely financial decision at this point in time.  If money were no object, we'd probably have a dozen, as I am a sucker for newborns and my husband adores the toddlers.  The trouble with that theory is they turn into teenagers, and those are no fun at all.  I freely admit I do the stroller peek and have to restrain myself from touching other people's infants.  I coo over baby clothes, and when bored, window shop on the internet for baby stuff.  
2) Did you plan it this way?  (Or the slightly more offensive "you know there are ways to keep that from happening")  Yes, as a matter of fact we did, thanks for asking.  Our first child was a surprise (and he is well aware of this fact, so no, I am not causing psychological damage to my child with a blog), but we were already engaged and planning on marrying and having a family.  We always planned on four kids.  We DID plan on two boys and two girls, but our last one didn't get that memo and was a boy anyway. 
3) What are you, the Duggars?  yeah...  NO.  While I share their belief that children are a gift and that God doesn't give us more than we can handle, I also believe that God gave me common sense and a great OB/Gyne.  I admire their patience and debt free life, but I am pretty sure I would be in the funny farm with 19 kids.
4) How do you DO it all?  I don't.  At any given time, something in my life is falling right through the cracks.  I've forgotten to do something at work.  I've not signed a permission slip.  I bring store bought cookies to school functions.  We eat McDonalds for dinner.  My laundry is backed up, and I am on the internet while my kids are watching a television show that may or may not be completely appropriate for them.  And I need to do the dishes.  On paper, I suck as a mom.  But to paraphrase the surprisingly wise Cindy Crawford, motherhood is a juggling act.  And sometimes I drop the ball, but I always manage to pick it back up and start all over.  My kids are happy, healthy and know they are loved.  So it can't be all bad.
Now, if you have any more questions, well you are a nosy one aren't you...


  1. I bow down to you, Mother of Four. I don't know how you do it without seeming frazzled. And you don't suck as a mom, on paper or in person :)


  2. Awww shucks m'am... Ask my older kids THEIR opinion though...

  3. Wow, #4 kind of makes me look worse...I do all those things and I only have 1!

    And you make me wonder what people really said about my family growing up :)

